Why Us?

Our market knowledge and sales history will help you choose products that are logical, practical and that make sense in your market.
Your marketing and sales arm
As representatives, we are an advocate for our manufacturers and customers alike. We are only rewarded for our ability to match customer needs with our manufacturers’ capabilities; hence, we must excel at advocating for both our customers and manufacturers.
Every Call Is a Relationship Call for your Company
Even when we don’t offer your product, we continue to cement the customer relationship which will benefit your company in the future.
Multi-faceted, Multi-skilled Team
As a multi-line field sales firm, we also have multi-industry experience with many team members holding professional certifications in a variety of industries.
Better Market Intelligence
Since we carry a wide range of products we have a greater diversity of customers, and we usually catch on to industry trends long before a factory direct salesperson.
Broader Sales Context for Your Product
We market several compatible items reaching a wider variety of prospects and customers, often finding applications for products denied by the single-line salesperson.

We also leverage existing business to introduce new products or new manufacturers to the marketplace. This provides you with greater sales growth and faster penetration of the market. It is the defining difference between an in-house, direct sales force and BuildMAX.
Immediate Access to The Market
BuildMAX consists of an experienced marketing and sales team already based within the territory providing deeper coverage than a single sales employee. We are familiar with the area and have great prospects on standby. We also provide excellent coverage in many niche markets.
Creates A Systems Approach to Marketing and Selling
Most customers today will agree to see and buy only from those salespeople who take on board their customers’ problems and are able to direct new opportunities their way.

A focus on product packages tends to make sales reps look at systems rather than act as consultants to their customers and identify specific products that meet their needs.
Sales Forecasting Is Equal or Superior to A Direct Sales Force
The volume of future sales is no less predictable with us; but it may be a cut above the rest since we use sales analysis and forecasting methods which are often more sophisticated than those of the manufacturers we represent.
Provides Marketing Flexibility for a Lower Cost
BuildMAX can increase your volume by selling outside your present marketing territory. We can also market and sell a new line without conflicting with your present sales organization.
Free Consulting Services
We have over a decade of successful corporate experience and some of our team members held positions in firms within the construction industry prior to joining us. Our team is hugely knowledgeable about the industry; with each team member highly educated and trained bringing exceptional value-added service.
Cost of Training and Turnover in Sales Personnel Is Eliminated
We only need to learn your company’s products, culture, and systems, with little to no product training. We are well-versed in marketing and selling with many years of combined experience across varying industries.
Increased Sales
The average factory-direct salesperson remains within a territory for two years or less before they are promoted, transferred, or decides to defect to a competitor for better pay. BuildMAX has a lifetime commitment to the territory, thus holding better relationships with its customers.
Vested Partner in Manufacturer’s Success
It is well known that businesses like BuildMAX must sell to survive. Our firm is interdependent with your firm. Your success is our success.

Are you ready to grow your sales by selling to architects and designers, contractors, developers, distributors or even the mass market while spending less?

BuildMAX is the only manufacturer representative firm that helps both our principals and customers sell with free marketing services.

Are you ready to grow your sales by selling to architects and designers, contractors, developers, distributors or even the mass market while spending less?

BuildMAX is the only manufacturer representative firm that helps both our principals and customers sell with free marketing services.
To learn more, connect